Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Power Plant

Owner: Formosa Steel Co., LTD
Location: Vung Ang Industrial zone - Ky Anh Dis. - Ha Tinh province
ADCOM's works
- Vertical compression load test
- Lateral load test
- Vertical pulling load test
- Pile dynamic analyzer
- Dynamic load test
- Pile integrity test
Item works:
- B,C,D,E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N buiding- Housing for employees of Ha Tinh steel power plant
- Port
- Coal preparation
- Waste treatment
- Equipment center
- Public works area
- Material center B1
- Lateral load test
- Vertical pulling load test
- Pile dynamic analyzer
- Dynamic load test
- Pile integrity test
Item works:
- B,C,D,E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N buiding- Housing for employees of Ha Tinh steel power plant
- Port
- Coal preparation
- Waste treatment
- Equipment center
- Public works area
- Material center B1
Implementation: from 7/2010 to 5/2014

Vertical compression load test (using anchor piles)

Dynamic load test

Pile dynamic analyzer

Vertical pulling load test

Lateral load test