Views: 4452

Observation Well

Product code : 696


    The aim monitoring:
    Water monitoring mode used to determine the underground water level changes in the area of construction, used in service of established methods of construction excavation work in soft soil treatment combined with pressure monitoring pore, defined pore water pressure increment.
    Water levels in monitoring wells is measured by using a depth gauge electric. Water level measuring instruments include a probe , a power cable attached to the electronic device . The probe was released at a speed slow down from above, when in contact with water probes , serial circuits , electronic lights and alarm . The depth on the ruler to measure the water level than the top elavation. User level machine determined the top elavation , however, the water level was calculated .
    Process of implementation : According to ISO 8869 : 2011 Process measure pore water pressure in soil or according to its own standards by Design consultant regulations
    Monitoring report :
    • Layout of measurement points , monitoring data.
    • The value of water level changes vesus times.