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Deep settlement monitoring by soil layers

Product code : 694


    The aim of monitoring:
    Equipment used to measure settlement Extensometer soil embankment works, foundations, dams, path ... This equipment allows us to identify each soil settlement as well as the total settlement caused by the works.
    Method and implementation process:
    This settlement system consists of a sensor head from a conductor connected to the measure. A plastic tube is inserted driven into the ground settlement area, on which installation mark spiders and independent design displacement than tube orientation when ground settlement will dragging to the displacement this spiders.
    This position of the spider than the benchmark is determined by first measuring the magnetic induction. When drag probe electric in the tube probe orientation, to position the mold mounted, the probe electric will alarm, and notify the measured signal lights and bells.
    The change in position of the mark from reflecting spider gives us data on the settlement of the underlying soil of the building.
    Monitoring report:
    The report includes tables and graphs as follows:
    • Time monitoring and process management, device placement monitoring.
    • The points settlement vesus time.